Co-Write on ITV 1's Sunday Scoop/Sunday Side Up. Titles/Beds and funky drippings
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Quirky Library fun on the POKE label, lots of whistling and some general weirdness...4 tracks on this release, all with Danny Farrant.

Ah......some lovely gansta shizzle..straight outta west london (W5 innit).. Track 2 with Mark Harrison. And I used to think he was such a nice boy...

Lovely poppy goodness. Not the flower, the music. Some with Mark Cox, one on me tod and one with Mark Harrison in "Jackson" mode.. Tracks 2,7,8,9 and lucky 18..

Urbaned the hell out of this one...track 8...with Mark Harrison in LDN mode..

What it says on the tin...track 3 is the one.. Ouch.

OOOOOFFFFFFFFF! Say no more.....track 2....

Featuring some of the countries top jazz musicians, we had a blast making it!

More library music for our pals at Lift Music, all done at the studio. Old school smooth this time..

Flapping and other dances are NOT optional with our third release for Lift Music. Again using the countries best players and singers..
Library Music releases are above-click to have a listen and a read...
Second in the Series for Sacla, this time in a school. Loads of fun!
Sacla "Shopera" staged at John Lewis on Oxford Street, London. Recording and arrangement done at Knight Time!

Ultra rare Maestro Universal Synthesizer System for guitar. It is, quite frankly, ace!

In our opinion the greatest monitors on earth.....really!

Don't see many of these anymore..

Ultra rare Maestro Universal Synthesizer System for guitar. It is, quite frankly, ace!
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